About Glee4Kidz


About Glee4Kidz


Glee4Kidz, led by Lucie Barnes and Theresa Ellis, is a musical group for children aged between 4 and 18 years of age. There are a variety of performances throughout the year to showcase talent in singing, dancing & comedy/drama using songs from various genres including musical theatre, films and favourite pop songs. Improved confidence, increased self-esteem and overall growth and development are always evident!

What makes us unique?


Glee4Kidz is based on a joint vision to enable children to learn about themselves and to be able to express themselves through Music and Drama. With the help of leaders and mentors, who each work with up to five children, an individual plan is developed for each child to ensure they can reach their fullest potential in many aspects of life. Learning about singing and dancing to mixed music genres and styles is a given but there is so much more achieved!

Every individual is different


The leaders and mentors ascertain from both parents and children what they want to experience and gain from their time with Glee4Kidz, and this is reviewed regularly. There is also the opportunity to develop drama through acting in themes and sketches.

The whole committed Glee4Kidz team is passionate that all people need music and expression in their lives whether it is singing, dancing, acting or just ‘feeling and listening’ to music.

Looking to enrol your child with Glee4Kidz?